Beauty Products
Tanning oil - Monoï de Tahiti - Corine de Farme
100 ml
29 000 points
The Polynesian beauty secret bottled.
For an intense tan and nourished skin despite the sun, this real Monoï de Tahiti is the product you need! It is composed of 99% Monoï de Tahiti with moisturizing and soothing properties, and contains an anti-oxidant vitamin E derivative preventing premature aging of the skin. To try it is to adopt it ! Its divine island scent will never leave you...
(Does not protect against UV.)
For an intense tan and nourished skin despite the sun, this real Monoï de Tahiti is the product you need! It is composed of 99% Monoï de Tahiti with moisturizing and soothing properties, and contains an anti-oxidant vitamin E derivative preventing premature aging of the skin. To try it is to adopt it ! Its divine island scent will never leave you...
(Does not protect against UV.)
Adrian R. (45 years old - ES)
Łatwy w aplikacji i dający bardzo dobre rezultaty. Nie pozostawia uczucia tłustości i szybko się wchłania, pozostawiając skórę miękką i jedwabistą. Odkąd go używam zauważyłam poprawę wyglądu mojej skóry.