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Into the night
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1 ulasan
Into the night - Adopt
30 ml
32 000 poin
Unravel the mysteries of the night with this new eau de parfum for men. Adventurer in the soul, the galaxy and its spaces make you vibrate. You embody the explorer in all his greatness! Into the night starts with full power on modern and suave notes of apple intertwining with warm and intense notes of vanilla and nutmeg, revealing all its sensuality. The woody amber notes finally take place to amplify the power and virility su sillage.

Apa yang mereka katakan...

Andrea C. (56 tahun - US)

Saya suka parfum ini karena aromanya yang harum, tetapi Anda harus tahu bahwa aroma ini tidak bertahan sepanjang hari, Anda mungkin harus mengaplikasikannya kembali di siang hari.

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