O que dizem…
Naseem A. (49 anos - IN)
Product looks good and I tried using on my hair. It removes from hair easily without making my hair tangible. There is no smell as mention during the survey question. It is a regular hair band but with new look. Overall very good product. Over
Parul J. (30 anos - IN)
I would like to recommend this hair tie to my friends. I like it's look and like to tie my hair with it.
Viktoriya P. (34 anos - RU)
elastic comfortable product, does not smell
Hazell B. (24 anos - NZ)
The product is plastic which means it’s not very sustainable. If it was made out of another product I think it would be more suitable
Diana I. (36 anos - RO)
great, useful item
Linda R. (35 anos - IE)
it's a very handy product great for not pulling out hair but it's not great to hold my thick hair and looses shape after a while.
Talitha D. (30 anos - MT)
They don't knot my hair up which is curly btw, and it doesn't get any hairs stuck on it ,all I say is it's a pretty nice product and they also stretch.
Diane D. (30 anos - FR)